2004 |
Hexen und Jujumänner. DVD 18 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Africa Screams. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth. |
2004 |
Trailer. DVD 12 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Africa Screams. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth. |
2002 |
TV-Ads from Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. DVD 12 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Afrikanische Reklamekunst. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth. |
2002 |
TV-Ads from Senegal and Ivory Coast. DVD 12 min. Audiovisual programme for the exhibition Afrikanische Reklamekunst. Produced by Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth. |
1995 |
Afrikanische Reklamekunst (Video 23 min, Video). Production funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Distributed by the author. |
1991 |
Leke watem adzra blikudo? (Comment protéger le mais grain?) Video 29 min. Educational film commissioned by GTZ. Distributed by Service de la protection des végétaux (SPV), Lomé. |
1989 |
Bliwa dzadzrado kple atike (Protection du mais sur grenier). Video 20 min. Educational film commissioned by GTZ. Distributed by Service de la protection des végétaux (SPV), Lomé. |
1989 |
Bliku sako dzadzrado kple atike (Protection du mais en sac). Video 10 min. Educational film commissioned by GTZ. Distributed by Service de la protection des végétaux (SPV), Lomé. |
1988 |
Petatrotro-Fest: Die Besessenen tanzen ihre Geister. 16mm, 24 min. Distributed by IWF Wissen & Medien Göttingen (No. D 1690) (with Daniela Weise). |
1988 |
Aufnahme des Novizen Kanyi in den Mami Wata-Kult. 16mm, 28 min. Distributed by IWF Wissen & Medien Göttingen (No. D 1691) (with Daniela Weise). |
1982 |
Vodu – Heilung und Besessenheit in Togo. Video, 40min. Distributed by IWF Wissen & Medien Göttingen (No. W 1896) (with Daniela Weise). |